Preventing Kauri Dieback

Protecting New Zealand's ancient forests

What is Kauri dieback?

Kauri dieback is the deadly kauri disease caused by Phytophthora taxon Agathis (or PTA). Following DNA studies, this fungus-like disease was formally identified in 2008 as a distinct and previously undescribed species of Phytophthora. Kauri dieback is specific to New Zealand kauri and can kill trees of all ages.

Microscopic spores in the soil infect kauri roots and damage the tissues that carry nutrients within the tree. Infected trees show a range of symptoms including yellowing of foliage, loss of leaves, canopy thinning, dead branches and lesions that bleed gum at the base of the trunk.

What can you do to help?The only way we can save our native Kauri forests is to contain the disease and prevent the spread until such a time as better treatment methods are developed. 

We can all help by following the below when you are around kauri:

- Make sure shoes, tyres and equipment are cleaned to remove all visible soil and plant material before AND after visiting kauri forest
- Please use cleaning stations installed on major tracks: scrub to remove all soil and spray with disinfectant.
- Stay on the track and off kauri roots
- Keep your dog on a leash at all times.
- We all can help - tourists, hunters, trappers, trampers, runners, bikers, walkers. We all need to make it happen, rather than hope 'someone else' will do it.


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